Day: January 18, 2017

Top 3 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Enhance Their WebsiteTop 3 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Enhance Their Website

2:27 pm

You may have heard that a website is one of the most beneficial marketing tools that a real estate agent can have, but your own website may be falling miserably short of expectations. Unfortunately, it is not enough to simply develop a business website. Your website needs regular attention and updating from you in order to be a truly beneficial feature for you to take advantage of. While each real estate website is different in its own ways, your business website may benefit by improving it in these constructive ways.

Make Your Website Mobile Friendly
Many online Internet users browse through webpages and conduct search queries on their mobile devices, and this is particularly true for the real estate market. Buyers and renters, for example, may be actively driving through neighborhoods in search of a new place to live, and they may see your website advertised on a yard sign or a flyer. Most will browse through your website while on the go, and this means that it needs to be mobile-friendly or mobile-responsive. A mobile-responsive website is one that looks and functions just as great on a mobile device as it does on a laptop or a PC.

Incorporate a Blog Into Your Website
Another great way you can enhance your website is to start a blog. Through your website, you can post new blog posts once or twice a week, and this has several benefits. By posting fresh content on your website, you help to boost search engine rankings organically. You also encourage others to share your blog posts to take advantage of word-of-mouth advertising. In addition, you remain in touch with your customers and clients who have opted in to receiving your blog posts via email.

Use a Lead Capture Feature
To make full use of your online presence, you need to use a lead capture feature. A lead capture feature will ask visitors to submit their name and contact information, and this is typically done at the home page. You can have a small box that is used to capture leads at the discretion of your visitors. You can also create a pop-up box on the home page that is more up-front about requesting visitors’ contact information. Both will help you to grow your list of current leads and to increase your email distribution list for ongoing benefits.

Your website is truly one of your best marketing assets as a real estate agent marketing, and unfortunately, many real estate agents are not taking full advantage of the benefits their website can provide. When you focus your time and effort improving your website in these ways, you can maximize the benefits that your website provides.